It has been a long time since my last post. This last month has been really stressful for me trying to figure work out and everything. I finally got it all figured out. Here is a what we have been up to lately.
I work 3 days a week and the rest of the time I am home with Ella. I love it so much. I just started this schedule last week; I am transferring to the Murray branch so I will be closer to home. I was so greatful that my friend Wayne (who is the manager of Murray) was willing to work with me, and get me a schedule that worked out perfect. I was scared I was going to have to quit and find some retail job that I would have to work nights, weekends, and holidays. But luckily I don't have to.
Zach has been busy with academy still. He has had some long days where he goes in at 6:45 in the morning and gets off close to 10:30 at night. It is really boring when he is not there at nights, but I know he is working hard so I can be with Ella more. He is loving the academy more and more everyday. They have whipped him into shape and he looks really good might I add. Ha! Ha! He has done great on every test so far and is looking forward to graduating and getting out in the field.
Ella, what can we say about Ella. She is such a character lately, she is really big into fake crying, and throwing little fits when she doesn't get her way. She is a big momma's girl still, and I think getting worse with time. She is also taking a few steps here and there. She is still trying to get some confidence to do it all the time. She also loves talking on the phone, remote, bottle, dog bone. Anything that she can hold to her ear and have pretend conversations she loves. She won't talk on the phone if there is really someone there, but she loves to have conversations all the time. She is also talking a lot, she now says mama, bah bah, dada, grandpa, dora, hello, no, ya, and a bunch of jibberish. She is getting to be so much fun everyday that passes. We love her more and more.
That is a little of what we have been up too. If you noticed I changed my background again, but I thought since Ella's birthday is next Thursday we will have a birthday background for the month. Can you believe she is almost one? It is crazy I swear she was just born. I will be posting a lot more stuff in the next week since it is her birthday, and I love birthdays!!!