Friday, October 16, 2009

Ella's binkies went bye, bye...

Now we get to see this cute smile all the time!

Ella with her favorite thing... Binky!

Ella's binkies are officially gone. I decided on Monday that we needed to get rid of her binkies. I told Zach to be ready for a week of hell since she is so attached to them, but I should have known that Ella adapts better then I think she will. The first day she was sad and was trying to think of every place her binky could be. She would tell us to look in Mommy's bed, Ella's room, Mommy's bag, and the car. She got to the point where she was so sad that I wanted to cry and give in because her little face was so sad. We took one of her binkies and cut the end off and said Dog, Dog bit it off. So the rest of the day all she would talk about is how her binky was broken. That night she woke up a couple times crying and eventually ended up in bed with us. Then the next day she was good, and only asked for it once but then remembered it was broken so she would tell us about it. She has been doing well during the day, but night time is when she has a hard time. Wednesday night she woke up and wouldn't calm down that I almost gave in and gave her, her binky. I was thinking I know we just need to stick it out, but maybe if I give it to her at night we can all get good sleep. Well last night I think she was so tired that she slept the whole night without waking up or crying. She did have a little break down last night before bed, but calmed down eventually. I am so proud of my little Ella and how well she is doing without her binky.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

St. George Marathon

We took a trip to St. George last weekend for Zach to run the St. George Marathon. He ran it in 3:53:47. When he ran the Ogden Marathon he ran 4:06 so he was happy with the improvement. Zach was also excited to go down so we could eat at In-N-Out, which he made us do twice! Other than that we just hung out with Zach's family and relaxed. Ella was Mamma Keri's best friend all weekend, and rarely let anyone else hold her. She was so sad when Mamma Keri couldn't come home with us. Zach's parents took Mowgli for us when we went to Lake Powell a few weeks ago and have had her ever since, so Ella was so excited to see her dog-dog again. We are planning on going back down in a few weeks for Halloween. We're looking forward to going back to the warmer weather!

Happy Birthday Lauren!!!

Happy Birthday Babe! I can't belive you're already 31! Just kidding. (She's 27) Ella and me love you so much and hope you enjoy your big day!