Ella attended the Alta High School Preschool program last year. She loved it! She learned so much and loved her teachers. We were going to have her go back since it is an awesome preschool, but then we moved farther away so we decided to switch to a preschool closer to our house. That way she could make friends in the neighborhood. She has loved her new class and new teacher. We also do a carpool with a couple of her friends which I love! Here are some pictures of her graduation and then her first day:
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Busy Summer
I haven't really had time to post for a while so here I go. We had a fun and busy summer visiting family, swimming, going to parades, going to see Little Mermaid, moving to a new house and neighborhood, etc.
Family Pictures 2011

Oh the adventures of getting family pictures of our little family. My wonderful friend Angela takes our pictures for us, but it comes with a task of getting Ella to cooperate! We kept talking to Ella about pictures a few days before we got them to get her prepared. She was all excited and told us she was going to be so good and smile. Then on the way to get them she of course fell asleep. She eventually got to be ok, but we couldn't watch her take the pictures of her by herself. Then she had to pick where we would take some family pictures. She is so funny about getting her pictures taken. I'm hoping she grows out of it soon and Holden doesn't do the same! Thanks again to my friend Angela for being patient with my little family. I know it is not easy.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Happy 1st Birthday Holden!!!

Happy Birthday to Holden!!! This year has flown by so fast. Holden is such a joy to our family and we are so grateful for him. I was kind of sad about him turning one since this might be my last time celebrating a first birthday. It is sad to think, but we are so excited to have this special day with him. Here are some facts about our little guy.
- Loves to cuddle.
- Loves to smile.
- Loves to Jabber. He has a cute low voice.
- Loves to bite.
- Loves to play with his sister. They are best buds!
- Loves to push toys and walk. He hasn't taken his first steps yet, but will stand without holding onto things.
- Loves to make messes. He is a busy little boy. He is busy all day long.
- Still loves to take two naps a day.
- Has a favorite blanket will not sleep without it.
- Loves to face forward in his big boy carseat. We just switched him and he is such a happy boy in the car now. Relief for mommy!
- Still a Momma's boy. I will keep enjoying it while it lasts!
We love our little guy and can't wait to make more memories with him! Love you Holden!
* My wonderful friend Angela took his one year old pictures. They turned out so cute!!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Nine months old

Holden is already nine months old. Time sure does fly when you have more then one. He is the best little boy and we are so glad he is in our family. Here are some little things about our little guy:
- Loves to smile. He gives big smiles to everyone all day long!
- Loves to cuddle. He gives the best cuddles especially when he wakes up in the morning. I love it!
- Loves to eat. He loves his bottles, baby food, table food, basically any food he can get his hands on.
- Loves to be on the move. He has been crawling for a couple of months now, he also pulls up on everything and walks holding onto things. He also figured out how to go up the stairs. Definitely doesn't want to waste anytime getting mobile.
- Loves his sister. She is still the only one that can get him laughing really hard. He also loves to give her hugs and kisses.
- Loves his mommy. He is still a mommy's boy, which I will enjoy while it lasts.
- Loves his daddy. He is looking more and more like Zach the bigger he gets. They are going to be the best of buds.
- Hates to get dressed and have his diaper changed.
- Babbles alot. His favorite word right now is dada.
- Has 6 teeth. 4 on top and 2 on the bottom.
We took him to his nine month appointment yesterday. He weighs in at 17 lbs. 14 oz (10%) and his height is 28 in. (50%). He also has low iron so we have to keep him on iron-fortified formula for at least the next 3 months. Then we will get it retested to see if he can go to milk. He also has his first ear infection, but other than that he is healthy boy. He is such a joy to our family and we love him so much!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Just like my sister...
The other night Holden decided he wanted to be just like his sister and see what she was looking at. So he crawled over to her and pulled himself up next to her. It was so precious. Love these two!
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