Sunday, May 25, 2008

First tooth

Yes another post about our little Ella. Last Monday her first tooth popped through. I can't believe she is already getting teeth. I didn't even know she was teething. I was waiting for the typical symptoms like a fever, runny nose, cranky, etc. She was sucking a lot more and drooling a lot more, but I didn't think anything of it. But sure enough she has her first tooth popping up and her second one on the bottom is showing the top. I can't believe she is getting teeth now. She is getting to be so much fun lately her little personality is the best. Seriously I can't believe what a great baby Zach and I were blessed with. She also this past week has figured out how to pull herself up on things. So now we have to keep a really close eye on her. She has given up on crawling and now just wants to pull up on everything. We love our little Ella and can't wait for many more adventures!



I serioulsy can't believe she is that old and that cute! Crazy!

Evans said...

Lauren I don't know who you are but I went to high school with Zach so I just wanted to say hi and cute little family to him! I have a little girl Elle so I just love your little girls name:)