Thursday, May 13, 2010

37 weeks

Had to add a cute picture of my Ella!

37 and a 1/2 weeks

I can't believe I am getting to the end of the pregnancy. This one definitely went by faster then the first one. I have been "nesting" a lot the last couple of weeks and continue to do so. When I told Zach that I am "nesting" he laughed and said, "is that some new thing you just made up?" I told him that it really was something that pregnant women tend to do before the baby comes. I clean the house every single day, which usually I try to pick up, but if our house is slightly dirty it drives me nuts. I can't stand any clutter any where, and constantly cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, doing lots of wash, etc. . I am driving Zach crazy with the constant need to clean, but I just want to make sure the house is clean when I get home from the hospital so I don't have to deal with that. I know I will settle down once we have the baby, but for now Zach will just have to deal with me being a total clean freak. Sorry babe!

I only have one more weekly appointment then my inducement date will be here. I went to the doctor and am still dilated to a 1+ and now I am 70% effaced. I also lost a pound, don't ask me how I did that, but I am not going to complain! So we are definitely counting on the 25th for this little guy to join us.

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