Thursday, May 20, 2010

OuR LiTtLe PrInCeSs

  • OuR LiTtLe PrInCeSs!

She has some silly faces sometimes!

She is a little gymnast and likes to do tricks!

I thought I would try something new with Ella's hair since she let me do it for
once. It looked so cute on her! We are going through a phase where she likes
her hair down all the time, but she finally let me do it like a princess. I loved it!

I wanted to do a special post to our little princess before we have the baby. Ella is so special to us and will always remain our little girl! I am so glad that she was our first, and has taught us so much. She definitely came at a time that Zach and I both needed her to. She is going to be such a great sister and help take good care of her baby brother. Thanks for being our princess, and showing us so much love and joy. We love you!

Here are a few funny and cute things she has said lately:

-I was having really bad contractions last weekend to the point I couldn't walk. Ella sat next to me, and played with my hair and told me, "Its ok Mommy, I will take care of you."

-Later that same night Ella grabbed her belly and started saying, "ow, ow mommy I am having tractions. You need to rub my belly." She told everyone the next couple of days about her "tractions" she had. So funny!

-I had her help me pack baby brother's bag for the hospital, and asked her what outfits we should pack. She told me, "Maybe he will like a dress."

-She has also packed her Princess Halloween bucket with some clothes, play food, and a couple toys that she needs to take to the hospital. Everyday she asks me if we can go to the hospital, and we have to take her Halloween bucket with us whenever we leave.

That is just a few of the silly things she does. She definitely says a lot more and makes us laugh everyday!

1 comment:

Amber said...

she is so cute! The minute you have your new little guy she will seem so much bigger instantly she will be your big girl not your baby it is sad but good too.