Sunday, November 23, 2008


Once again it has been forever since I have posted. Not much has been going on. Zach has started his FTO and loves it. He had to get pepper sprayed and get shot with the taser. He recorded the tasing and it was pretty funny seeing all the big guys scream. Ella has been busy as ever. She figured out how to climb on the coffee table and loves to dance to Dora. She is into everything even more, and is in total control. She loves bananas, dancing, dora, babies, mommy, daddy, and Mowglie. She is talking more and more everyday. Still a lot of jibberish but she can say dog and kitty now. So now all the words she says are mama, dada, dora, uh-oh, ball, bah bah, dog, kitty, no, two, ya, hi, grandma, grandpa. She even tries to sing a little song that we sing to her it is cute. When she sings the high notes she raises her eyebrows. I am still busy being a mom and working three days a week. I am loving every minute that I get to be home with Ella and feel so blessed to stay home with her more. I think she is enjoying being home more too.

I was going to show some pictures from Halloween, but I can't get them to load so I will try again tomorrow.

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