Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July with My Fam...

Ella watching the parade waiting for Avery

My cute nephew Preston watching the parade

Ella and my niece Avery. They look so cute together!

Ella driving the little car... she now thinks she can drive mommy's car
and freaks out if I put her in her carseat. She screams, "I drive, I
drive." She is so funny.
Loving that Ice Cream

Sadie, Ella, And Avery hanging out!

Mommy and Ella wishing Daddy was there.

My sister Brittani her daughter Sadie and son Christopher, My sister
Alisa and her daughter Avery, and Me with Ella bug!

We had such a fun 4th this year. We would have had more fun if Zach didn't have to work, but Ella and I made the most of it without him. We first woke up early in the morning to head up to Layton to watch the parade with my parents, sister Alisa and her family. My cute little niece Avery was in the parade with her little tumbling group. She was so cute doing round-offs, kart-wheels, back walkovers, and back handsprings. Of course when I was going to take a picture the batteries died on my camera so I didn't get a picture of her. Then we went home and took Zach out to lunch at Texas Roadhouse since he had to go back to work that night we wanted to see him for some little celebration. Then Ella and I headed back up to Layton with my parents to go to a BBQ with my sisters and their families. We ate lots of yummy food, jumped on the tramp, played a baseball game, feed horses, did a little bit of fireworks, and then went and watched the Kaysville city fireworks. Ella and I had such a fun day together; we missed Zach, but hopefully next year we can watch fireworks together. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!!!


Keri said...

Looks like you guys had a fun 4th! Miss that little Ella!

Keri said...

All of you look so cute!

Aania Gowans said...

It looks like you had fun! Ella is getting so big I can't believe it! Hope to see you soon!